Unigen Life Sciences offers comprehensive line of quality products including the most extensive line of anti-aging formulations and specialty pharmaceuticals, as well as a wide range of natural rejuvenation compounds under one roof with unsurpassed quality.

Test-Prop 100
Testosterone Propionate BP 100mg
Test-Prop 100 (Testosterone Propionate Injection, BP) provides testosterone propionate, an esterified derivative of the primary endogenous androgen testosterone for intramuscular use. In bioactive form, androgens have a 17-beta-hydroxy group, the esterification of which produces esters of testosterone which undergo hydrolysis in vivo; producing a delayed release of the bioactive testosterone.
Each ml of Unigen Test Prop contains 100mg of testosterone propionate in ethyl oleate (base oil).

Test-Comp 250
Testosterone Sustanon BP 250mg
Test-Comp 250 (Testosterone Sustanon Injection, BP) is an androgenic preparation for intramuscular administration and used to treat for testosterone replacement therapy in male hypogonadal disorders containing four different esters of the natural hormone testosterone. It is an intelligently “engineered” blend designed to provide a fast yet extended release of testosterone. Thus it can provide significant gains in strength and muscle tissue, as well as a noticeable increase in libido. The propionate and phenyl propionate esters in this product are quickly utilized, releasing into circulation within the first four days. The remaining esters are much slower to release, staying active in the body for approximately two and three weeks. It has a strong anabolic activity, with a pronounced androgenic component.
Each ml of Unigen Test Comp contains 30mg of testosterone propionate, 60mg of testosterone phenyl propionate, 60mg of testosterone isocaproate, and 100mg of testosterone decanoate in ethyl oleate (base oil).

Depo Test 250
Testosterone Enanthate BP 250mg
Depo-Test 250 (Testosterone Enanthate Injection, BP) is used in replacement therapy in conditions associated with deficiency of endogenous testosterone. It is an oil based injectable, designed to release testosterone slowly from the injection site. Once administered, serum concentrations of this hormone will rise for several days, and remain markedly elevated for approximately two weeks. For medical purposes this is the most widely prescribed testosterone used regularly to treat cases of hypogonadism and other disorders related to androgen deficiency. As with all testosterone products it has a strong anabolic activity, with a pronounced androgenic component. Significant gains in strength and muscle tissue as well as noticeable increase in libido.
Each ml of Unigen Depo Test contains 250mg of Testosterone Enanthate in ethyl oleate or medium-chain triglyceride (base oil).

Depo-TestC 200
Testosterone Cypionate BP 200mg
Depo-TestC 200 (Testosterone Cypionate Injection, BP) Testosterone Cypionate Injection is indicated for testosterone replacement therapy in males in conditions associated with a deficiency or absence of endogenous testosterone such as Primary hypogonadism (congenital or acquired) – testicular failure due to conditions such as cryptorchidism, bilateral torsion, orchitis, vanishing testis syndrome; or orchiectomy, Klinefelter’s syndrome, or toxic damage from alcohol or heavy metals, chemotherapy, or toxic damage from alcohol or heavy metals. These men usually have low serum testosterone concentrations and gonadotropins (follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH)) above the normal range; and Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (congenital or acquired) gonadotropin or luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH) deficiency, or pituitary-hypothalamic injury from tumors, trauma, or radiation. These men have low testosterone serum concentrations but have gonadotropins in the normal or low range.
Each ml of Unigen Depo TestC contains 200mg of testosterone cypionate in ethyl oleate (base oil).

Masteron-DP 100
Drostanolone Propionate BP 100mg
Masteron-DP 100 (Drostanolone Propionate Injection, BP) is a Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) derived anabolic steroid with the Propionate ester attached made existing by the addition of the 2a-methyl group (2a-methyl-dihydro-testosterone propionate).
The basic benefits of Masteron-Propionate are relatively simple; a leaner and harder physique. It is important to note this level of hardness in-which it can provide will not be of a significant nature if a physique has a thick layer of fat covering it; it will promote fat loss to a degree but it will not on its own make a fat physique ripped to the bone. Masteron is most beneficial when we are already in a lean state, when body-fat is already low; not only will it help unburden you from some of that last hard to lose fat but make the physique harder in appearance than without. To be specific, when speaking of low body-fat and the use of this steroid we’re speaking of 8% or lower with 6% or lower being far more optimal.
While hardness and the bit of fat loss it can promote are two fantastic traits in their own right it is by far hardly the most interesting benefit.
Each ml of Unigen Masteron contains 100mg of drostanolone propionate in ethyl oleate (base oil).

Masteron-DE 200
Drostanolone Enanthate BP 200mg
Masteron-DE 200 (Drostanolone Enanthate Injection, BP) is a Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) derived anabolic steroid with the Enanthate ester attached made existing by the addition of the 2a-methyl group (2a-methyl-dihydro-testosterone enanthate).
The basic benefits of Masteron-Enanthate are relatively simple; a leaner and harder physique. It is important to note this level of hardness in-which it can provide will not be of a significant nature if a physique has a thick layer of fat covering it; it will promote fat loss to a degree but it will not on its own make a fat physique ripped to the bone. Masteron is most beneficial when we are already in a lean state, when body-fat is already low; not only will it help unburden you from some of that last hard to lose fat but make the physique harder in appearance than without. To be specific, when speaking of low body-fat and the use of this steroid we’re speaking of 8% or lower with 6% or lower being far more optimal.
While hardness and the bit of fat loss it can promote are two fantastic traits in their own right it is by far hardly the most interesting benefit.
Each ml of Unigen Masteron contains 200mg of drostanolone Enanthate in ethyl oleate (base oil).

TrenbolA 100
Trenbolone Acetate BP 100mg
TrenbolA 100 (Trenbolone Acetate Injection, BP) is an androgen and anabolic steroid (AAS) specifically to promote muscle growth, it is given by injection into muscle. Athletes and bodybuilders have been using trenbolone acetate as a physique- and performance-enhancing drug for decades. Unlike testosterone, trenbolone acetate does not cause any fluid retention while gaining muscle mass. This allows bodybuilders to appear leaner, and this is why it is more commonly used whilst preparing for competitive events. Trenbolone acetate does not convert into an estrogenic metabolite, and this results in a lack of estrogenic side effects.
Each ml of Unigen TrenbolA contains 100mg of Trenbolone Acetate in ethyl oleate (base oil).

TrenbolE 200
Trenbolone Enanthate BP 200mg
TrenbolE 200 (Trenbolone Enanthate Injection, BP) is an androgen and anabolic steroid (AAS) specifically to promote muscle growth, it is given by injection into muscle. Athletes and bodybuilders have been using trenbolone enanthate as a physique- and performance-enhancing drug for decades. Unlike testosterone, trenbolone enanthate does not cause any fluid retention while gaining muscle mass. This allows bodybuilders to appear leaner, and this is why it is more commonly used whilst preparing for competitive events. Trenbolone enanthate does not convert into an estrogenic metabolite, and this results in a lack of estrogenic side effects.
Each ml of Unigen TrenbolE contains 200mg of Trenbolone Enanthate in ethyl oleate (base oil).

BoldE 250
Boldenone Undecylenate BP 250mg
BoldE 250 (Boldenone Undecylenate Injection, BP)
Boldenone is an anabolic androgenic steroid and synthetic derivative of testosterone that has since become one of the more common performance-enhancing therapy. With a chemical structure that’s nearly identical to testosterone, boldenone can stimulate protein synthesis and the release of erythropoietin to increase muscle mass and strength.
Each ml of Unigen BoldE contains 250mg of boldenone undecylenate in ethyl oleate (base oil).

Nandro 250
Nandrolone Decanoate BP 250mg
Nandro 250 (Nandrolone Decanoate Injection, BP) is indicated for Osteoporosis due to androgen deficiency in hypogonadal males. It will also cause the muscle cell to store more nitrogen than it releases so that a positive nitrogen balance is achieved. A positive nitrogen balance is synonymous with anabolism and assimilates a larger amount of protein than usual. The result is a positive nitrogen balance and the protein building effect that accompany it.
Nandro 250 is a long acting compound, with the decanoate ester (nandrolone decanoate) providing a slow release time of up to three weeks.
Each ml of Unigen Nandro contains 250mg of nandrolone decanoate in ethyl oleate (base oil).

Nandro NPP 150
NPP Nandrolone Phenylpropionate BP 150mg
Nandro NPP 150 (NPP Nandrolone Phenylpropionate Injection, BP) is indicated for Osteoporosis due to androgen deficiency in hypogonadal males. It will also cause the muscle cell to store more nitrogen than it releases so that a positive nitrogen balance is achieved. A positive nitrogen balance is synonymous with anabolism and assimilates a larger amount of protein than usual. The result is a positive nitrogen balance and the protein building effect that accompany it.
Nandro NPP 150 also known as Durabolin is a fast acting compound, with Nandrolone Phenylpropionate providing a faster release time.
Each ml of Unigen Nandro NPP contains 150mg of nandrolone phenylpropionate in ethyl oleate (base oil).

Methenolone Enanthate BP 100mg or 200mg
Depo-PrimoE 100 – Primobolan Depot (Methenolone Enanthate Injection, BP) is an anabolic androgenic injectable steroid with a slow release and half life of 7-10 days.

Test-Prop 200
Testosterone Propionate BP 200mg
Test-Prop 200 (Testosterone Propionate Injection, BP) provides testosterone propionate, an esterified derivative of the primary endogenous androgen testosterone for intramuscular use. In bioactive form, androgens have a 17-beta-hydroxy group, the esterification of which produces esters of testosterone which undergo hydrolysis in vivo; producing a delayed release of the bioactive testosterone.
Each ml of Unigen Test Prop contains 200mg of testosterone propionate in medium-chain triglyceride (base oil).

Testosterone Sustanon 400
Testosterone Sustanon BP 400mg
Test-Comp 400 (Testosterone Sustanon Injection, BP) is an androgenic preparation for intramuscular administration and used to treat for testosterone replacement therapy in male hypogonadal disorders containing four different esters of the natural hormone testosterone. It is an intelligently “engineered” blend designed to provide a fast yet extended release of testosterone. Thus it can provide significant gains in strength and muscle tissue, as well as a noticeable increase in libido. The propionate and phenyl propionate esters in this product are quickly utilized, releasing into circulation within the first four days. The remaining esters are much slower to release, staying active in the body for approximately two and three weeks. It has a strong anabolic activity, with a pronounced androgenic component.
Each ml of Unigen Test Comp contains 48mg of testosterone propionate, 96mg of testosterone phenyl propionate, 96mg of testosterone isocaproate, and 160mg of testosterone decanoate in medium-chain triglyceride (base oil).

Depo-Test 300
Testosterone Enanthate BP 300mg
Depo-Test 300 (Testosterone Enanthate Injection, BP) is used in replacement therapy in conditions associated with deficiency of endogenous testosterone. It is an oil based injectable, designed to release testosterone slowly from the injection site. Once administered, serum concentrations of this hormone will rise for several days, and remain markedly elevated for approximately two weeks. For medical purposes this is the most widely prescribed testosterone used regularly to treat cases of hypogonadism and other disorders related to androgen deficiency. As with all testosterone products it has a strong anabolic activity, with a pronounced androgenic component. Significant gains in strength and muscle tissue as well as noticeable increase in libido.
Each ml of Unigen Depo Test contains 300mg of Testosterone Enanthate in ethyl oleate or medium-chain triglyceride (base oil).

BoldE 300
Boldenone Undecylenate BP 300mg
BoldE 300 (Boldenone Undecylenate Injection, BP)
Boldenone is an anabolic androgenic steroid and synthetic derivative of testosterone that has since become one of the more common performance-enhancing therapy. With a chemical structure that’s nearly identical to testosterone, boldenone can stimulate protein synthesis and the release of erythropoietin to increase muscle mass and strength.
Each ml of Unigen BoldE contains 300mg of boldenone undecylenate in medium-chain triglyceride (base oil).

Nandro 300
Nandrolone Decanoate BP 300mg
Nandro 300 (Nandrolone Decanoate Injection, BP) is indicated for Osteoporosis due to androgen deficiency in hypogonadal males. It will also cause the muscle cell to store more nitrogen than it releases so that a positive nitrogen balance is achieved. A positive nitrogen balance is synonymous with anabolism and assimilates a larger amount of protein than usual. The result is a positive nitrogen balance and the protein building effect that accompany it.
Nandro 300 is a long acting compound, with the decanoate ester (nandrolone decanoate) providing a slow release time of up to three weeks.
Each ml of Unigen Nandro contains 300mg of nandrolone decanoate in medium-chain triglyceride (base oil).

Pro-Comp 300
Propionate Acetate Compound BP 300mg
Pro-Comp 300 (Propionate Acetate Compound Injection, BP) is a cutting steroid blend of: Drostanolone Propionate, Trenbolone Acetate, Testosterone Propionate.
Each ml of Unigen Pro-Comp contains 100mg of testosterone propionate, 100mg of trenbolone acetate, and 100mg of drostanolone propionate in medium-chain triglyceride (base oil).

Tri-Comp 375
Enanthate Compound BP 375mg
E-Comp 400 (Enanthate Compound Injection, BP) is a cutting steroid blend of: Drostanolone Enanthate, Trenbolone Enanthate, Testosterone Enanthate.
Each ml of Unigen Tri-Comp contains 125mg of testosterone enanthate, 125mg of trenbolone enanthate, and 125mg of drostanolone enanthate in medium-chain triglyceride (base oil).

E-Comp 500
Drostanolone Trenbolone Enanthate BP 500mg
E-Comp 500 (Deostanolone Trenbolone Enanthate Injection, BP) is a cutting steroid blend of: Drostanolone Enanthate and Trenbolone Enanthate.
Each ml of Unigen E-Comp contains 250mg of drostanolone enanthate and 250mg of trenbolone enanthate in medium-chain triglyceride (base oil).